“If there is light in your heart, you will find your way home.”
This is a story of taking the road less travelled, sacred heart awakening, truth and love, remembering magic, and the return journey home.
Unprecedented change is currently occurring on our planet, our living library. Mother Earth is ascending out of the lower dimensions entering a new epoch, releasing the lower frequency and vibration shackles where she has been held and suppressed for eons. So is humanity. And so are you.
This is our awakening and ascension journey home, our return to One, to love and truth, to unity consciousness and Mother Father God Source Creator.
We are powerful creator beings and all have leading roles in the greatest love story in the Youniverse, and the Cosmic Universe. Focusing on betterment everyday and lifting our frequency and vibration, cultivating lives filled with peace, joy, laughter, warmth, humility, grace, beauty, compassion, abundance, love, truth, freedom, authenticity, healthy relationships and wellbeing, harmony and balance, and mastering our life force energy, is the priority Now.
Reunifying with our divinity and remembering our wholeness and wholiness.
We choose to embrace our magic every day in every way that we can.
There is an evolution of expanding and awakening consciousness unfolding on Earth. An epoch of time-space is closing, a paradigm frequency shift, as humanity remembers their god-self and learns to take responsibility for their co-creatorship powers and begins their ascent into the higher heart frequencies and octaves of the spiritually sovereign realms. The un-enslavement of humanity is currently unfolding.
The reinversion process is occurring within each of us. The awakening and opening of our hearts has begun that activates the remembrance codes of who we truly are within, our lightbody and sacred blueprints activating and empowering a journey of self discovery and self mastery through deep self inquiry to master ourselves. Learning to take full responsibility and accountability for all that we are and how we use our powerful life force energy. We become Masters of our Youniverse. We step into our true roles as Sovereign rulers and beings of divine light, able to capably inherit and hold the keys to the holy Kingdoms and Queendoms of Earth, internally and externally. We remember that we are true love and our pure emerald diamond sun hearts is our connection to everything, to Mother Father God Source Creator, our Home.
We are the ancients who have returned to embody the crystalline frequencies, and experience this incredible time of transition, transformation, and spiritual metamorphosis out of separation consciousness, loving ourselves free from a paradigm of self-deception, and return home to One, to unity consciousness.
Experiencing a profound kundalini awakening and heart activation in 2018 provided a significant offramp out of my old life. It provided a powerful catalyst to action massive change within me, where I embarked on a deep internal journey of self inquiry and I developed an insatiable appetite for self mastery. This shifted my physical reality to align with my destined sacred mission on Earth. I have used my learnings from experiences specifically derived from the last 7 years, and my lifelong connection to the angelic, galactic and elemental realms, and as an earth crystal grid worker, to build and create the tools and techniques you see provided on this website. This is my way to assist the journeys and frequency shifts of others who are traversing similar solsong lines.
We are each our own personal physician and master alchemists of our unique essences and realities, and the self empowered self healing journey is one we each must walk to master our sovereignty. To innerstand our true nature, our god-self, and the innate divine power that flwos through us with our eternal connection with Mother Father God Source Creator. To learn to master our life force and co-create responsibly is the sacred temple path to step into our destined roles as guardians of all that is sacred.
I’m here to help facilitate and guide frequency upliftment and harmonisation by holding that space for others to anchor into and find a foothold within themselves. No one can do this for us, but it’s helpful to have tools and guides that help the process of integration and embodiment of the reinversion process of healing and sacred heart activations that is required to activate our lightbody. And knowing there is always a dawn rising after a dark night of the soul can be very helpful, and I’m here to remind you of this, so we can each encourage one another to raise ourselves in love and choose betterment every day.
Humanity is currently collectively going through a dark night of the soul, where all shadows will be brought to the surface for transmutation and integration as we continue to anchor in these higher heart frequencies of. The journey home is inevitable and we can help each other make the frequency adjustments and quantum bandwidth leaps as we go.
We are slowly moving out of separation and into unity consciousness, and this is the beginning of a new Epoch of time. A new harmonic for Earth and Humanity. And as ascending beings we harmonise ourselves with the incoming frequency shifts to move upward and one-ward.
No matter the path we take, or the experiences we have, or the journey we travel, all roads lead home.
Home to love and truth, home to Mother Father God Source Creator.
All is Love and all is One.
We are all children of the Sun.
The spiritual maturation of a species is underway, as the higher consciousness aspects of self ready themselves for the expansion into a new frequency realm. The harvest of awakened sols to quantum leap and graduate into a New Earth. A spiritual harvest.
This is the story of awakening hearts and ascension.
What we are collectively experiencing as a species is a metamorphosis of consciousness; awakening, and emerging through catalytic opportunities for soul growth and expansion to re-teach and realign us with our sacred hearts, our connection with Mother-Father Source God Creator, and unconditional love and unity consciousness.
We are walking each other home.
Lightworkers and Starseeds are here to assist with and experience this paradigm shift and are working to collapse and bridge the old timelines into the higher heart frequency timeline, and in the process of that transmute the wounds of the old Earth scripts, break harmful ancestral patterns and behaviours, and alchemise through love. A Love Story. Collectively we are made of 1. Spearhead Forerunners, 2. Love Anchors, 3. Bridge Runners, and 4. Density Sweepers. These are the terms I use to breakdown and simplify an extraordinarily complex tapestry of divine light spectrum – collectively we are the Rainbow Bridge. Each group is essential and vital to this ascension evolution process. And we span the spectrum of frequency to shift it all up into the higher realms and timeline of reality, that we all collectively have chosen, and now want to experience – one that matches our ascended states of being. As the timelines converge some starseed lightworkers will start moving into a different group, or role, to experience a different way of being as we ascend. This is so their unique gifts and skills can be anchored into the physical reality to be added into the collective self mastery curriculum.
A story of True Love.
Balancing a realm requires a deep innerstanding of both Shadow and Light. You cannot know either without the other. YinYang. Positive and Negative. And together with God Source Creator, re-emerges a sacred union of consciousness and manifests the trinity foundation of universal creation. The three-fold flame. Each ascending and awakening soul is mastering the balancing of their internal realm, balancing the shadow and light within. Harmonious Being. This is an internal journey, but also mirrored in our external reality too. As within, so without. Earth is a dualistic construct and everything is mirrored. Twinflames (or SolFlames) are a shared & mirrored consciousness, and often have one twin in the higher frequency spearheading the direction, and one in the lower, denser frequency, holding anchor and often unconscious to the higher frequencies (Yin Yang). Both shadow and light working in harmony and designed to balance, to hold and bridge the shifts in consciousness, timelines and frequency. As we shift higher, both move up, and both balance and expand individually, and will eventually find the neutral, zero point to merge together – through the Heart. Harmonious Union. At this point the twins, or divine counterparts (the divine feminine and divine masculine), now have an opportunity to enter into a sacred union, a merging of Truth & Love, a mission together, to combine and share their gifts, their light and love, and teach others from a place of humility and integrity – true self-mastery as ascending masterful beings with pure intention. This is why we see this energy come under attack from the dark realms, to create confusion, discredit, sabotage, and undermine the truth of this sacred love journey. This self-mastery energy means the end of their egoic, psychopathic reign.
Each twin carries the harmonious union relationship blueprint for the New Earth by transmuting and clearing the old damaged templates of the inverted matrix – the lower mind, lust, co-dependancy, narcissist-empathic dynamic, wounded, and damaged templates of the old paradigm that feeds the parasitic distorted matrix hologram overlay. Through the self healing journey, the twins, and other evolving souls inner expansion work, sets the New Earth matrix relationship template to one of higher and sacred heart, divine, frequency.
The Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine Rises.
Each soul holds both feminine and masculine energy, and the task is to balance both energies harmoniously within. Electric (masculine) and magnetic (feminine) to create electromagnetism. The quantum foundation of creational force. Each soul will hold a naturally stronger predisposition towards one energy more than the other, and this is the individual equilibrium point.
We each have many roles that we carry out here, with many unique gifts and attributes, and I am for the most part what you might term a forerunner. A lightworker, starseed, twinflame, divine feminine, working specifically to spearhead the higher frequencies and set the higher crystalline timeline. Being a magnetic force of creation and manifestation for the new. We operate at a high frequency speed to face and transmute obstacles quickly, and do the inner spiritual work to forge the path ahead. By deliberately diving head first into and shifting through fears and outdated templates of operation in our individual realities, we create space to expand into, holding the vision for the New Earth. Our light magnetically pulls dark (truth) to the surface to transmute and alchemise into love. We seek out (like targeted missiles) the road of expansion, an intrepid soul journey, and we’re designed specifically to do this.
We get comfortable with being uncomfortable.
Re-inverting a realm means getting uncomfortable, as everything that we have known in our 3D lives becomes obsolete in the world we are designed to create. The road to authenticity and truth within and without, is a path of exposing the dark areas we have hidden from ourselves individually and collectively, and addressing our self-love deficits. We did however come in with “cheat-codes” or residual memory that have assisted our paths of remembrance as we’ve deconstructed our physical realities. We’ve done this before, this is why we volunteered to be here, this is what helps us maintain focus and commitment to these journeys and ourselves. And this is why we are called to expand in ways that defy and challenge the 3D matrix definition of “logical” or “acceptable” – to be the antithesis to the inverted matrix mindsets requires courage and bravery, with a healthy dose of rebelliousness. We often don’t make sense to many, confuse most, including ourselves when we’re in the ego mind, and appear to not really exist. We typically choose to live differently (under the radar for most of our lives, we knew we were coded differently). Our visions are of a Utopian world, fantastical in nature, we often have enhanced sensory abilities which can appear as supernatural, which is at odds with a capped and limited lower density mindset, by design and on purpose. We weren’t designed to fit in or adhere to the old paradigm. We are here to deconstruct the old to re-form the new, using the new light codes we’re here to absorb and anchor. Upgrading the human dna blueprint coding in the process, recoding and activating our avatars, and allowing more of our angelic consciousness to inhabit our heart-mind, body, spirit complex. This is a process of embodying our Higher Self, or god-self. This is also a divinely controlled operation using each Starseed as a light pillar; a receiver and antenna of light; placed on specific node points of Earths grid, tuned to bring in specific higher frequency light code energy, drawing in magnetically, and radiating out electrically, anchoring into the physical matrix to increase the light quotient on Earth. Much like an acupuncturist using needles to release & balance energy within the body, to bring in peace and harmony.
Pendulum swings to Divine Feminine Energy to Rebalance Patriarchy.
We are here to create and birth a new world, to rebalance a realm by bringing in and anchoring the Goddess energy of Solar womb creation codes. The Divine Feminine energy is being rebalanced on this world to take apart the patriarchal system of hierarchical over-bearance and overreach, and is rapidly rising. When you operate through the higher heart frequencies you are aligned with a completely different set of operational codes that isn’t linear. We are dynamic and in flow with nature which makes us wildly unpredictable in a linear construct. We’re here to vibrate it apart. The splitting of two worlds. And when combined with the Divine Masculine energy in sacred union (Heaven & Earth), makes for an entirely unstoppable force of divine and sacred nature, a newly emerged species of ascended christ consciousness angelic beings of divine light, co-creating and building the New Earth. And this is what we are set to and where we are all heading. Harmonious Earth.
Soul expansion & Growth.
We are blueprint holders, engineers, architects & the builders of new timelines and realities and we are co-creating the New Earth as we shift with her.
Heaven is being anchored on Earth now through each of us as we reawaken our sacred flame and remember that we are divine light.
This is our return journey home.
Kundalini Awakening & Heart Activation
My return journey into my higher heart was activated through a profound kundalini awakening experience. One autumn morning in 2018 as I was going about my day, a memory of the passionate being I once was, was circulating in my mind. As I ruminated on this memory, out of nowhere, I felt this huge surge of loving power right through my body. All bodies. My whole system lit up like a Christmas tree and I cannot properly describe the euphoric feeling of love and bliss that entered me. A wave of love and knowing that I had never experienced before saturated my entire being. A “blowing out of a blowhole” sensation through my heart, as a whale does, and felt like I was finally breathing for the first time. It was utterly extraordinary and a relief, like I was finally able to breathe after being kept “under” for too long. The deepest inhales and deepest exhales I’ve ever experienced. My third eye became instantly clear and I was able to see through all space and time with a deep knowing of the “why’s” and “how’s”, wherever and whatever I “looked” at. The fogginess lifted. My crown felt like it was pulled directly up into the cosmos, into the field of all knowing. A quiet and humbling stillness. A joy that cut through the numbness that I had been feeling up until that point. This lasted for five days and heralded the start of everything shifting around me. I immediately knew that from that point on, nothing could remain the same. I was now standing in my sacred flame that had been lit within my heart. The beacons now burning atop the internal chakra pyres. The path for heart-centered integration for 5D consciousness had been initiated and my choice was made.
The Divine Feminine was now activated and awakened within.
A Golden Age Dawns.
This Shift of Ages is bringing with it profound transformation and remembrance that can translate as explosions of light as we experience enormous breakthroughs of veiled levels of consciousness. But also as huge upheavals as the shadow is exposed, both internally & externally, darkness is revealed and the truth known about who we are, what we are, and what this all is.
The shift is a transition phase from one frequency bandwidth to a higher octave of consciousness. As we up-level and uplift ourselves we rise out of an unbalanced state, harmonising the internal chaos and integrate the shadow darkness. We rise up out of the lower mind controls of an inverted slave matrix, parasitic paradigm that was designed to hold Earth and humanity in a lower frequency bandwidth.
Inversion to Re-inversion
The re-inversion process is well underway as more light enters this realm, and more of us recognise the dark places within that are held enslaved to limiting mental concepts, harmful & unhealthy behaviours, and looping patterns, and chooses instead to rise to meet the truth of who we are, loving ourselves free from mental bondage and suffering.
Truth and Love will Unite us all.
What we are collectively experiencing is The Greatest Love Story in the Universe, and we’re all playing a role in the return of the Angelic Human template on this planet.
Our cosmic brothers and sisters are on the edge of their seats watching this all unfold. A story of a glorious homecoming and resurrection of love and christ consciousness. Who doesn’t love a good comeback story!
The Hero’s Journey Starring Us.
We are the lead characters in this story. Stars who scripted and now here playing our parts. Remembering our lines and delivery. Remembering that we are indeed the stars of our own reality. Divine Will is the Director.
We are partaking in the restoration, rehabilitation, and upgrading of Creator consciousness expression (Us and our sol collective) within a physical matter hologram.
Plot Twist Awakening
We thought we understood the storyline, until one day everything changed for us. We woke up to the truth and wow did this blow the lid on our reality. Suddenly the gates to infinite possibilities swung open and we gazed into the expansive golden light abyss with wonder, bliss, uncertainty and trepidation.
This is an extraordinary time of evolving consciousness and the return of magic as we dream and imagine ourselves into a new organic holographic matrix reality, aligned with heart-mind coherence, and unified sovereignty frequency.
Script Writing as we Ascend
We will be writing the script as we go, but as an aligned heart and unified species of One.
We are the future ancestors heralding the return of the Galactic Golden Age of Light on Earth, anchoring a New Earth for future generations.
Together we are remembering to open our sweet hearts and embrace our inner ascending world, creating our paradise within. To cultivate this Heaven on Earth we must Know Thyself through a process of Self Inquiry and Self-Mastery.
As within so without. We are now in the process of building a new heart-led legacy.
Harmonising & Healing our World
We can drastically change our individual and collective realities by addressing our core wounds and traumas through deep self-exploration, opening our hearts, and reprogramming ourselves from negative polarity to one of positive polarity, harmonise our systems, and activate our divine architecture, so we can feel, imagine and manifest a balanced and beautiful world into our physical reality.
Neutralisation & Harmonisation
By understanding our shadow nature we can opt out of the default mind-slave programmes running the old paradigm, parasitic 3D world, and choose instead a heart-centered, sovereign, and liberated conscious awareness reality in direct alignment with Mother-Father God Source Creator. Through deep soul innerstanding we can once again learn to master and conduct ourselves as self-responsible, spiritually sovereign, and radiant self-actualised angelic beings. Claiming our Kingdoms on Earth and once again become guardians & protectors of all organic life and all that is sacred.
Soul Growth
This evolutionary process presents unparalleled opportunities for expansion and soul growth, and the human experience really starts to shift dramatically and get adventurous. This can be termed as turbulent as it tends to unearth anything not in alignment with your highest timeline as you start to desire a more heart-fulfilling reality. As you shift your frequency within it catalyses a sequence of events and experiences that presents challenges to your current ways of doing things and you start the process of deeper innerstanding, releasing wounds, traumas, patterns, behaviours, and outdated templates, requiring readjustments and realignments to Mother-Father God Source Creator as you re-member your true self, your Godself.
The Starseeds Awaken
I am an Angelic Galactic Elemental Starseed Shaman which is a fancy way to say I remember the multidimensional nature & truth of my soul journey. I have lived many millions of lives in different star systems, light realms, & sound octaves. I remember lifetimes before this Earth adventure, these memories I have called upon to assist my journey, as a holder of the key codes and original creation templates. All occurring in the eternal Now.
I am here specifically to help uplift Earth and humanity after hearing her call, to experience this paradigm shift, and to assist in holding and harmonising the higher light frequencies needed for Earth and humanity to rise.
I was to awaken and make the choice to walk the ascension path; transmute suffering and trauma templates within; harmonise & balance my systems; open and become a conduit for higher love, liberation & truth frequency; transmute parasitic consciousness; find home in the shadows; cleanse the etheric grids and awaken the dragon lines; re-member my wholeness, heal separation consciousness and reinstall unity consciousness; protect & upgrade my DNA to the new crystalline structure template; and help others do the same.
I am here to help facilitate this evolutionary change on our beautiful Earth and create and build the New Earth from the blueprints I carry, to welcome the Galactic Golden Age; and assisting and supporting my willing brothers and sisters on their own path with their own unique love templates, as we walk each other home. We’re all students and teachers for one another.
Star Tribes of Light
I work very closely with the Angelic Realms, the heavenly Solar Rishi light frequencies, my Galactic star family (Lyran, Azalieu, Pleiadian, Arcturan, Sirian, Andromedan, Orion etc), the ascended masters, the beautiful christed many, the Elemental realms & nature spirits, our beautiful Dragons, ancestors, and our Mother Earth.
Harmonious Being Rising
After my awakening and as I began traversing great personal change and navigating the turbulent transition out of an old life, I wrote down “Harmonious Being” as a mantra to anchor my world to. A reminder of peace, neutrality, and strengthening my connection to Mother-Father God Source, remembering to maintain balance and equilibrium as much as possible as my entire world got turned upside down (reinverted right way up), and realigned to the truth of my heart frequency. To align with love.
This is the awakening of the Divine Feminine & Masculine energy within, the journey of sacred union, and walking the “narrow path”, a humble path. A theme for many an awakened soul on the ascension path, and I am using my experiences to assist those who are currently going through their own spiritual metamorphosis and transition into a sovereign, whole, unified, self-aware, self-actualised, and self-loving, radiant angelic human.
A Harmonious Being.
My awakening journey.
It went full-blown in around 2017.
An explosion of conscious awareness flowed through my body; a kundalini heart activation and awakening mid-2017. In the year I was training as a Reiki Master. This was the point where everything changed. Life as I had known it ceased to exist and I began the transition into a new octave frequency as I acknowledged the truth of who I knew myself to be. A recognition of God-Self had occurred and what no longer served me was now going to be removed from my life.
Awakening to the External Truth
The Deception Around Us.
Research into the nature and truth of our reality had really got into full swing around 2015. Days and nights reading material hidden in dark corners of the internet about the bloodlines and families of imposters, watching hours of videos shared by truth teachers, channellers, contactees, the off world connections, the highjacking of humanity, the millions of ways in which we have been kept enslaved and manipulated into believing an illusion. I dug it all out and delved head first into it. An appetite for truth that couldn’t be described as anything other than voracious.
I immediately recognised that with the level of truth that I was consuming, I needed to balance this with spiritual development as a way to counter the rapid impact effects of the unveiling within me. I discovered pretty quickly that no one else around me was interested in what I was uncovering and learning. I was shocked. How could anyone NOT want to know this! It was incomprehensible to me. A maturity was needed to grasp and fully integrate the extent of the truth that I was opening up to, and to cope with the rejection backlash from family and friends.
So I went into stealth mode.
My truth research and my spiritual development continued in earnest and was now the main focus in my life, kept secret from everyone. I was now living a double life as a truther-spiritualist researcher. As a result of expanding into the spiritual world I felt called to explore healing modalities, catalysed from my experience with some health issues I had been facing and I wanted to understand energetic medicine.
Awakening to the Internal Truth
The Self-Deception Within Us.
Sharing with my family and friends that I was now pursuing my interest in Reiki became an acceptable way to introduce them to my secret world. To subtly let them know I had shifted gears and was broadening my focus.
So I began my training. And in 2017 is when I experienced a kundalini & heart awakening. An activation so profound I knew instantly that nothing could ever stay the same.
Awakening to the internal truth of my internal reality. This changed the game completely as I started to learn that this truth was the only truth that needed to be properly understood, in order to understand everything else. The level of self-deception and the lies I told myself about the reality I was living in, that I was happy when I was not. I was wallpaper in someone else’s life, I’d dwindled my light to but a tiny ember and felt numb and worthless.
My life up until that point had been lived as an unconscious human. Bumbling along not really knowing who or what she was. And what had just been fired up in me was the catalyst for change to become a very conscious human. A very aware human. A human on a mission to reignite the passion that longer to burn once again.
The study of Self, Self Love and Self Mastery began.
What came with this realisation and awakening was a set of events that would forever change my trajectory and take me to the limits within myself. Taken to the darkest places where it was literally just me and God. Humbled like nothing ever could. It broke me in every way possible. I was being reshaped to fit the life I dreamed of living which required massive changes and realignments.
This is the point of the inner work. This is the true soul journey and path. This is what we came to Earth to do.
To remember who we really are.
I’m looking forward to all of us remembering more together as we continue to ascend the infinite golden spiral of light. Our return journey home to Oneness. Heaven on Earth. We are SolStars, the light of the World.
Thank you for being here Angelic One.
I Am Rianna
My SolJourney mission and intention is to bring Heaven to Earth to build a Legacy of Love with my SolFamily for our future angelic starseed children, our SolTribe.
To live as an embodiment of kristos-sophia consciousness, an Angelic Sacred Guardian to restore the Krystal Star Grid and Stargates; aligned with the sacred Law of One, the Emerald Order and Aurora Angelic template; guided by my sacred heart and Source. Embodying the divine light frequency of truth, love, magic, harmony, liberation, peace, joy, bliss, and sovereignty to build a New Earth. To guide and walk with my brothers and sisters in unity to their own remembrance, to tune into their sacred heart frequency, and to bring their own heaven to earth.
This will be my Legacy of Love.
Mother of Indie
Bringer of Heaven to Earth
SolHealing & SolMastery Guide
Dragon Line & Crystal Grid Guardian
Dragon Rider & SolStar Goddess
Shamanic Reiki Master
Love, Truth, Freedom, Sovereignty, Liberation, Unity, Bliss, Joy, Peace & Prosperity for All
The Angelic Human Blueprint, the Dragons & our Legacies of Love.
Heaven on Earth will be our heart-centered legacy for the future generations of angelic humans entering this earthly realm.
We’re seeing the emergence of the Dragons with their incredibly powerful sacred heart and creation frequency, here Now to restore the sacred architecture within each of us and within Earth, and assist us all to bring in Heaven on Earth. The dynamic and powerful dragon lines run within us and Earth. They carry the original creation templates and sacred heart frequencies, and together we will build and recreate our New Earth as a unified sovereign species.
Our legacies built on foundations of Love & Truth; a divine and sacred union. A epic love story of cosmic origin.
Honour, respect, integrity, open heart, loving mind, pure intention, and the Law of One at the core of our co-creation and the blueprint for everything we build and create.
We are the Sacred Guardians of the New Earth.
We are the builders and creators of the crystalline earth structures and cities of the Golden Galactic Age. A utopian age of great abundance and celebration for humanity. Unified as one through heart-mind coherence with Mother-Father God Source Creator.
Self-mastery is the path of ascension to cultivate heart awareness, balancing our emotional, mental, physical and spiritual bodies, so we can create harmony within, to embody peace, love and truth, and together co-create Heaven on Earth and build our Golden Light Kingdoms as spiritually sovereign, self-responsible, self-actualised radiant & divine harmonious beings of light.
We remember our divinity, we remember that we are protectors and guardians of all that is sacred, we remember each other, and we expand into our radiant hearts. We free ourselves from the mental cages, the comfortable, conformist & complacent confines of the lower-mind matrix, and begin our soul journey return to One, built upon unity consciousness & unconditional love for ourselves, and our brothers & sisters.
This is our Angelic Human Blueprint encoded in our royal lineage DNA and our birthrite passage into a beautiful Harmonious Earth. Infinite love to you all.
SolDragon: The Golden Dragon Eye:
SolSet 31.7.2023. The arrival of Goldie, a huge majestic golden dragon brought codes of abundance, wealth, repatriation, recalibration, creativity and manifestation for the New Earth.
Architects of Angelic Light Frequency
The Dragons & Dragon Lines